Gray Kurugranite
Kurugranite is also sometimes called Näsgranit as it is mined in quarries on Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere in Finland. Kuru granite has been mined since the mid-19th century and has had great geographical and historical importance, including in the construction of Tampere. Kuru has also gained a worldwide reputation for its hardness, high quality and durability.
Kuru granite is available in various colors, from gray to reddish brown and black, in our range you will find gray Kuru which is fine-grained and has an even gray shade with low color variation.
The granite is relatively easy to work with and can be shaped and polished to create different design effects. The grey color of the stone can be varied depending on the degree of grinding, the more you work the material the stronger the color appears, while a coarser surface gives a lighter shade. Its aesthetic beauty and durability make Kuru a popular choice for gravestone customers looking for a high-quality and beautiful natural stone.

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