Greenish gray granite

Green-gray granite is mined in India. The granite is a relatively dark deep rock, coarse-grained, and has a greenish tinge to it, hence the name.

As the polished surface is relatively variegated, a clear font in a light color is recommended on a stone with this granite.

The grey-green granite has low pattern deviation and even color.

The advantage of greenish-gray granite is that with its greenish tinge it has a unique color.

The disadvantage of green-grey granite is that the variegated surface can give a messy impression and the text can be difficult to see unless you choose a clear font and color.

Stående gravsten från Edurus, modell E054 i gröngrå granit. Försänkt förgylld bearbetning av text ger god kontrast och synlighet.
Modell E054
Liten hjärtformad gravsten från Edurus, modell E069 i gröngrå granit. Välj fritt från Edurus dekorer utan att det påverkar priset på stenen.
Modell E069
Liggande boksten från Edurus, modell E063 i gröngrå granit. Gravstenens högra sida kan lämnas polerad för framtida efterhuggning av text.
Modell E063

Green-gray granite offers a combination of elegant aesthetics, durability and originality, making it an excellent choice for tombstones. Its greenish-grey color and natural patterns create a dignified and respectful tribute to the memory of the deceased.

Greenish-gray granite is composed of minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica, with varying degrees of admixture of other minerals. The exact composition can vary depending on the specific granite variety and its origin.

Granite is known for its high hardness and durability, and greenish-gray granite from India is no exception. Resistant to abrasion and weathering, each piece of green-grey granite is unique with its natural patterns and variations in color and tone.

Green-gray granite can be worked and polished to create a smooth and shiny surface that brings out its natural beauty and patterns. It can also be left with a more rough and textured surface by rough-hewing or flaming to create different aesthetic effects.


Examples of different finishes of the stone surface*

Granit vid polerad sten Polished
Granit vid finslipad sten Fine polished
Granit vid mattslipad sten Matte polished
Granit vid Finhuggen sten Fine chiseled
Granit vid Pikhuggen sten Chiseled
Granit vid Flammad sten Flamed
Granit vid Råarbetad sten Roughly finished

Our other granite types

Click on the images for more information*

  • Red Vanga granite

  • Purple granite

  • Black diabase

  • Bårarp gneiss

  • Gray Kurugranite

  • Red Bohus granite

  • Dark gray granite

  • Gray Bohus granite

  • Light gray granite

  • Black granite

  • Labrador granite

  • Indian blue-gray granite

  • Red flamed granite

  • Indian red granite