Indian blue-gray granite

Indian blue-gray granite (gneiss) is a very interesting granite and is mined in India.

Blue-grey granite is characterized by its beautiful wave-shaped pattern. The gray color shifts slightly into blue, hence the name. The shifting pattern, which is best seen on a polished surface, makes each stone unique.

On the Indian blue-grey granite, all text colors except black work well. It is also possible to have raised text.

The advantage of Indian blue-gray granite is that you get a tombstone with a completely unique pattern.

The disadvantage of Indian blue-gray granite is that you cannot choose the pattern of your tombstone.
It is difficult to order accessories for the tombstone afterwards if you want the same pattern and color shade as the life stone.

Stående gravsten från Edurus, modell E059 i indisk blågrå granit. Råhuggen naturformad sten med polerad spegel för inskription.
Model E059
Stående hjärtformad gravsten, modell E080 i indisk blågrå granit. Finhuggna detaljer på sidan ramar in det polerade hjärtat.
Model E080
Liggande gravsten från Edurus, modell E086 i indisk blågrå granit. Råhugget kantslag och råa sidor kontrasterar mot den polerade textytan.
Model E086

Indian blue-grey granite has a distinctive deep blue color with variations in shade and tone. It can range from a dark blue to a grayer shade depending on the mineral content and the specific mine where it is extracted.

Indian blue-grey granite is an igneous rock composed mainly of minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica. Its unique blue color is due to the presence of minerals such as labradorite and hornblende.

Granite is known for its high hardness and durability, and Indian blue granite is no exception. It is resistant to abrasion and weathering, making it an excellent choice for gravestones. Its natural patterns and variations in color and tone make each tombstone a unique and personal tribute to the deceased.

Indian blue-grey granite can be worked and polished to a shiny smooth finish that highlights its blue color and natural patterns. It can also be left with a more rough and textured surface to create different aesthetic effects.


Examples of different finishes of the stone surface*

Granit vid polerad sten Polished
Granit vid finslipad sten Fine polished
Granit vid mattslipad sten Matte polished
Granit vid Finhuggen sten Fine chiseled
Granit vid Pikhuggen sten Chiseled
Granit vid Flammad sten Flamed
Granit vid Råarbetad sten Roughly finished

Our other granite types

Click on the images for more information*

  • Red Vanga granite

  • Purple granite

  • Black diabase

  • Bårarp gneiss

  • Gray Kurugranite

  • Red Bohus granite

  • Dark gray granite

  • Gray Bohus granite

  • Light gray granite

  • Black granite

  • Greenish gray granite

  • Labrador granite

  • Red flamed granite

  • Indian red granite