Indian red granite

Indian red granite is a beautiful intense red granite that is mined in India and is suitable for all processing.

The mineral grains are small- to medium-sized and the stone contains less black than, for example, Vanga granite, which gives a homogeneous feel. The Indian red granite has low pattern deviation and even color.

It is reddest on polished surfaces and more pinkish on cut surfaces. Many people choose Indian red granite on heart-shaped stones but it works well in all shapes.

The advantage of Indian red granite is that you get a lovely red stone that looks good in any finish. It is homogeneous and it is possible to use all text colors and raised text.

Stående hjärtformad gravsten från Edurus, modell E005 i indisk röd granit. Stenen är gjord i ett stycke och händerna skulpteras och mattslipas för kontrast i färg.
Model E005
Stående gravsten från Edurus, modell E061 i indisk röd granit. Dekoren på sidan är utvald för att följa och förstärka stenens form och den polerade textytan.
Model E061

Indian red granite has a distinctive red color with variations in shades and tones. It can range from a deep burgundy to a lighter pinkish red, depending on the mineral content and the specific formation conditions. Its red color gives a sense of warmth and respect that is well suited for burial sites.

This type of stone is an igneous rock composed of minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica. Its red color usually comes from minerals such as feldspar and iron oxide. With its hardness and durability, it withstands the test of time and nature, making it an enduring symbol of your loved one’s memory.

The Indian red granite can be worked and polished to a shiny finish to bring out its natural beauty and color. It can also be left with a more textured surface to create different aesthetic effects.

Each tombstone is unique, just like each life it honors. With Indian red granite, you can create a tombstone whose deep red color brings a sense of warmth and love that embraces and comforts.


Examples of different finishes of the stone surface*

Granit vid polerad sten Polished
Granit vid finslipad sten Fine polished
Granit vid mattslipad sten Matte polished
Granit vid Finhuggen sten Fine chiseled
Granit vid Pikhuggen sten Chiseled
Granit vid Flammad sten Flamed
Granit vid Råarbetad sten Roughly finished

Our other granite types

Click on the images for more information*

  • Red Vanga granite

  • Purple granite

  • Black diabase

  • Bårarp gneiss

  • Gray Kurugranite

  • Red Bohus granite

  • Dark gray granite

  • Gray Bohus granite

  • Light gray granite

  • Black granite

  • Greenish gray granite

  • Labrador granite

  • Indian blue-gray granite

  • Red flamed granite