Red flamed granite

Red-flamed granite (gneiss) is a very interesting granite and is mined in India. Red-flamed granite is characterized by its beautiful light red color and its wave-shaped pattern.

All text colors and treatments can be used on the red-flamed granite. As each tombstone is unique and the pattern only appears when the stone is polished, it is not possible to choose the pattern of your tombstone in advance.

The advantage of red-flamed granite is that you get a tombstone with a completely unique pattern.

The disadvantage of red-flamed granite is that you cannot choose the pattern of your tombstone. It is difficult to order accessories for the stone afterwards if you want the same pattern and color shade as the life stone.

Red flamed granite offers an elegant and distinctive aesthetic for tombstones. Its red color and flame pattern provide an exclusive and eye-catching character that creates a memorable burial site. Each piece of red flame granite is unique with its natural flame patterns and variations in color and tone. This makes each tombstone a unique and personalized tribute to the memory of the deceased.

Stående gravsten från Edurus, modell E015 i rödflammig granit.
Model E015
Stående gravsten från Edurus, modell E049 i rödflammig granit. Lyktram i brons finns som tillbehör för extra kostnad.
Model E049
Liggande gravsten från Edurus, modell E041 i rödflammig granit. Upphöjd text är ett hållbart alternativ på liggande stenar.
Model E041

The red-flamed granite is known for its vibrant color palette. It is characterized by its deep red base colour, which can range from dark burgundy to lighter shades of coral and pink. This base color is often complemented by flaming patterns and streaks of black, white, and grey, giving the material a dynamic and varied visual texture.

Red-flecked granite is an igneous rock composed mainly of minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica. The red color and flame pattern is caused by iron oxide in the stone. The pattern can vary in intensity and shape, giving each stone a distinctive and natural character.

Granite is known for its durability and resilience, making it an excellent choice for tombstones. Red-flamed granite is resistant to weathering and ageing, ensuring that the tombstone retains its beauty and quality over time.


Examples of different finishes of the stone surface*

Granit vid polerad sten Polished
Granit vid finslipad sten Fine polished
Granit vid mattslipad sten Matte polished
Granit vid Finhuggen sten Fine chiseled
Granit vid Pikhuggen sten Chiseled
Granit vid Flammad sten Flamed
Granit vid Råarbetad sten Roughly finished

Our other granite types

Click on the images for more information*

  • Red Vanga granite

  • Purple granite

  • Black diabase

  • Bårarp gneiss

  • Gray Kurugranite

  • Red Bohus granite

  • Dark gray granite

  • Gray Bohus granite

  • Light gray granite

  • Black granite

  • Greenish gray granite

  • Labrador granite

  • Indian blue-gray granite

  • Indian red granite