Upright Tombstone

Above, you will find upright tombstone models from the Edurus selection, ranging from simple classic stones to more advanced sculptural carvings. The product images serve as inspiration for the design; feel free to choose among Edurus colors, fonts, and motifs to shape the stone with a personal expression. If you do not find a suitable model, we can help you with a custom design instead.

Model According to Burial Site

Some of the country’s cemeteries have specific requirements for how a tombstone, borders, and frames should be designed. This information is provided to the grave rights holder when a burial site is selected and is typically included in the agreement with the cemetery administration. Check if you have received a grave letter with information, or contact us so we can help determine what type of stone is approved for placement at the burial site.

Edurus offers a wide range of upright tombstones, and since all stones are made to order, there is an opportunity to customize dimensions and design according to your needs.

Advice on Design

A tombstone is usually ordered some time after the burial, and unlike all the choices made during the funeral, it may be a purchase you are expected to manage without assistance from a funeral home. Choosing a tombstone often feels both important and challenging, and most people know relatively little about how to place an order. Edurus tombstone advisors are available via phone, chat, and email to guide you through the entire process.

If you do not find an upright tombstone in our selection that meets your wishes, we can design a custom tombstone based on your preferences. Choose the product category “Custom Design” to describe and submit your requests, or call us and we’ll take it from there.

Good to Keep in Mind

All tombstones must be installed in accordance with the regulations of the Central Grave Care Committee. Edurus guarantees that the stone will be installed correctly, and the cemetery staff conducts tests and regular inspections to ensure that the stone does not pose a risk to the public. However, settling in the ground can eventually cause the stone to lean. This means that over time, you may need to replace the foundation under the ground to stabilize the tombstone.

Advantages of an Upright Tombstone

An upright tombstone is suitable for a family grave as it allows for many names to be accommodated on the stone. Let us know if we should reserve space for future engravings on the stone so we can adjust the layout as needed. An upright tombstone has greater opportunities to be designed in a more personal way, as there is a larger selection of models, accessories, and space for embellishments such as photos and personal motifs. An upright tombstone rises above the ground, which means that text and decorations are subject to less wear. All Edurus upright stones can be made with or without a visible base.

Disadvantages of an Upright Tombstone

An upright tombstone is often more expensive than a flat stone, and the price also increases regarding installation costs. An upright stone can begin to lean over time due to settling in the ground. The cemetery will contact the grave rights holder if a new foundation is required for the stone to stand stable and straight again. An upright stone requires stable ground for secure installation, so it may be necessary to wait 6-12 months after the burial of a casket before an upright stone can be placed at the burial site.

Delivery and Installation

The delivery time, calculated from the start of production, is the same for flat and upright stones. Installation occurs within 4-6 weeks after the start of production if you have chosen a stone in the same design as our catalog selection. Custom or specially designed stones will be installed within 12-16 weeks from the day you receive your order confirmation and production begins.

To ensure that the installation proceeds smoothly and without delays, it is important that we receive information about the burial site. Is it an urn or casket grave? When did the burial take place, and will there be room for multiple stones at the grave? An upright stone is installed so that five centimeters of the stone or base height is placed below ground level.