Other services tombstone

Text addition

At Edurus we have extensive experience of text additions to tombstones. We always make sure that the new text fits with the one on the existing tombstone.

First, we prepare an application to the cemetery administration. The application must also be approved in writing by all burial rights holders. Then we transport the stone to our stone quarry to carry out the work with the new text.

To avoid big differences in the appearance between the new text and the previous one, we always recommend a renovation of the old text / decor.

Before starting the job, we always send you the preliminary drawing of the requested text addition plus a quote including all costs for your approval.

Restoring your tombstone

At Edurus, we have extensive experience of restoring tombstones. A renovation of tombstones is often carried out in connection with text additions.

A tombstone that has been around for some time is often affected by external factors such as weather and wind or work in the cemetery, such as mowing the lawn and clearing snow. This can in many cases lead to bleaching or discolouration on the surface of the tombstone. Regular cleaning of the tombstone can in most cases prevent discolouration, but bleaching is difficult to avoid..

When restoring your tombstone, we work to recreate the appearance of your tombstone as it was when new. This can, for example, include polishing the stone or filling in colour or gold in text and decor.

Cleaning your tombstone

A tombstone is exposed to weather, wind, and work in the cemetery, such as mowing the lawn, and it is therefore important with regular cleaning so that it stays beautiful for a long time.

Edurus is here if you need professional help with cleaning your tombstone.