Warranty and delivery terms
Edurus offers a 25-year peace of mind guarantee.
Edurus safety guarantee
The Edurus Safety Guarantee provides a 25-year guarantee on the tombstone provided that it is not subjected to external violence. The guarantee applies to cracks and discoloration. The guarantee does not apply to dirt or the damage to Edurus stones described below.
The granite is sensitive to stearin, oil, rust and high heat. Therefore, be careful and never place grave candles or marshals on or in the immediate vicinity of the gravestone so that splashes can occur. High heat exchange can cause cracking. Any kind of grease and oil that penetrates the tombstone is very difficult to remove. Do not place a winter wreath or similar on/against the tombstone, as these often contain steel wire that soon starts to rust, but also the plant’s own oils can peel off and discolor surfaces.
Color in text and decoration
Edurus offers a two-year guarantee on the color of recessed painted or gilded text and decor. This means that the paint will not flake. The guarantee does not apply to gilded text and decoration on horizontal gravestones, nor to dirt in text and decoration.
Porcelain photo
Edurus provides a two-year warranty on porcelain photographs.
Edurus guarantees that the tombstone is installed in accordance with the Central Graves Commission’s installation instructions, as well as local instructions as long as they at least comply with CGK’s regulations. Edurus gives a one-year warranty on the installation of the tombstone regarding straightness and stability.
Terms of delivery when buying a gravestone
The Consumer Sales Act (1990:932) applies to the sale of gravestones, i.e. grave superstructures with associated installation on the grave site. It contains detailed, largely mandatory provisions on the rights and obligations of Edurus AB (hereinafter referred to as the seller) and the buyer in connection with consumer purchases. The terms and conditions described below are related to the Consumer Sales Act.
Production starts when the gravestone has been approved by the buyer, grave owner and cemetery administration. The delivery time from the start of production is estimated at 4-6 weeks (catalog design) or 12-16 weeks (custom-made stone). The seller will notify when the tombstone is in place at the cemetery.
The tombstone is installed according to the Central Graves Commission’s installation instructions, as well as local instructions as long as they at least meet CGK’s regulations.k.
The buyer is responsible for informing if the cemetery in question is inaccessible and thus gives rise to extra installation costs, in order for the quoted installation cost to apply. The installation is affected by ground conditions, in winter half-year or earth grave, the gravestone may be stored in stock for optimal results during installation. The tombstone shall be considered delivered when it has been installed on the grave site and the installation work has been completed. Local deviations may occur in cases where the cemetery’s staff installs tombstones on their own, as the seller is not responsible for the installation but only for delivering a complete tombstone to the designated location.
If the delivered product deviates from the ordered one taking into account the terms of delivery or the product is defective, the seller will replace it with a new tombstone at no cost to the buyer. If the product is in accordance with the order, the right of return does not apply to the product.
Natural color variations that are characteristic of natural stone, such as stripes, streaks and marbling do not make the tombstone defective.
Defects constitute, according to professional judgment, deviations from the normal standard and the standard that follows from §§ 16 – 21 of the Consumer Purchase Act. Normal standard when installing a gravestone means what is stated in the Central Graves Commission’s installation instructions for gravestones, unless otherwise prescribed by the cemetery administration. The type, quantity, quality and other characteristics of the tombstone must be in accordance with the contract.
The buyer must notify the seller of any defects without delay from the time the defect was discovered. If the buyer does not make a complaint within 3 years of the completion of the work on the tombstone, the right to invoke the defect is lost, unless otherwise provided by a guarantee or similar undertaking. If the gravestone is damaged during transportation, the seller will pay the manufacturing and shipping costs for a new gravestone. If the gravestone is damaged by external damage after installation, the seller is not liable.
Title of ownership
Ownership of a tombstone referred to in this contract passes to the buyer when the purchase price has been paid in full.
Force majeure
If a delay in the seller’s delivery is caused by force majeure such as war, export or import ban, natural disaster, interruption of public transport or energy distribution, fire or labor dispute or any other equally significant or unusual cause, the buyer is not entitled to damages or the right to cancel the purchase. If the tombstone cannot be installed because the ground is frozen, the buyer has the right to cancel the purchase if the delivery is not made within two months of the end of the effect of the obstacle, taking into account the regulations of the cemetery administration.
Right of withdrawal
A tombstone is a personalized product made to measure. Therefore, the buyer has no right of withdrawal after he or she has accepted the order confirmation and the production has started. The order contract is always concluded in the name of a natural person. The purchaser must be a holder of a burial right or a person authorized by him.
Penalties for late payment
If the buyer, through no fault of the seller, does not pay on time, the seller has the right to cancel the purchase under the conditions set out in the Consumer Sales Act.
In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of these provisions, it shall in the first instance be resolved by agreement between the parties and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN).